Sunday, June 26, 2011

Currently under Construction

Reading through the actual blog instead of the behind-the-scenes editor version, I came across several funking spacing/aligning mishaps...editing those.
And, because I have graduated, a few updates are necessary since I started this while in school and many things are from that perspective. Oh dear...seems I was not on top of things as well as I much to do and sheer lack of a careful eye to details...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A legacy ends

I can't wait...but at the same time I'm saddened...
I practically grew up with Harry, always waiting and looking forward to the next movie, wondering if it shall live up to the books I had read long before there was any mention of Hollywood production.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I feel like dancing tonight!

Listening to music as I upload pics and wait for electronic devices to charge...
Stephen Jerzak and All Time Low's new cds came them on iTunes!
Both are incredible...yet incredibly different from one another.

Off to play some Pokémon in my bare feet on the front porch....

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Off for the hols

I shall be off with Lovely and his family this weekend exploring the great outdoors in Michigan...little scurred because I've never done anything like this before.
Hoping I don't become a wild animal's meal.

Oh, did I mention I haven't packed yet? I started! ...but have not finished. I'm not one to procrastinate but one thing I seem to drag on is packing; I simply do not like it! I love going places, travel and the like, but packing is not my favorite hobby...

I must work on that, especially since I hope to spend my life traveling the world, learning about new cultures and meeting new people whilst enjoying delicious cuisine!


Isn't there a spell for packing?!

Accio, clothes! Now go into the bag!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Zum Geburtstag, viel Glück!

Happy birthday to my Lovely!
My sweetheart, model, and photographer :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Happiness is not so hard to find

My Pap Pap had once told my sister to find someone with whom she can be at ease...that's how one can be happy.
Lovely... :)

 This duck looked so intriguing.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


"Commencement! A wonderful word! A shining, long-to-be remembered night!"

I loved my adorable polka dot dress for graduation!

Miss Heidi and I :)
Michaela and I :) 

My Welcome...

...and Farewell.

Drew, our Valedictorian and bestie

And of course, Clifford!
Sisters, through and through :)

Monday, June 6, 2011


Aside from my newly founded one for the Sims 3, I have a fascination, borderline obsession, if not addiction, for shoes :)
As like every Sunday prior, I went onto PostSecret to check for the secrets of the week.

This week had a few about shoes!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A bit behind...

I'm afraid I have done what I had told myself not to do...become neglectful of the sight....
Memorial Day weekend...I spent the lovely Saturday in Philadelphia at the oldest Methodist Church still in continuance in the world!
Within walking distance was the US Mint and other historical's that for added history lesson?
Oh, and did I mention we found our way to Chinatown? ...or rather found ourselves lost in Chinatown...scary bananas! And GPS failed...luckily Sissy had internet service... for pictures of the beautiful girls from our street!

I spy...

A beautiful day in a neighboring town park...Lovely loved the creative songs I made up on the spot to which I serenaded him :) What can I say, I have...ahem...peculiar hidden talents.

Sasquatch alert.
 "All the world's a stage."

Oh, Shakespeare, how correct you were, buddy.
There are quite a few pictures taken on playground equipment...I seem to be drawn to the child within.

Oh, Lovely, don't resist my imaginative ballads :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Today I don't feel like doing anything

This seems to be the theme song of today...although it is Hump Day! Yays!Happy Hump Day, everyone!

With 7 days left of school (although only 5 full days!) there seems to be so much left to do...Senior Video to finish, Germish senior video to finish, for teachers to accept my speech...where is a girl to find the time for everything?

I'll make it through; I always do...somehow.

For the past two or so years, I have had a white-out board on my wall, the message never changing, although I have had to re-write the fading words of wisdom once or twice...
It reads:
 "Quite frankly, most people are assholes; they're fake and judgmental.  The people willing to be themselves and the friends to whom are worth opening up are the people relevant to one's life...the assholes are merely fillers to an otherwise sparsely-populated world."

Of all little mantras of mine, this one seems to have had the greatest influence in my life (not to go all spiritual or mystic).  We all need to have words of wisdom we believe in to remind ourselves of our stand in the world.  It's ok not to have infinite popularity or feel everyone single person in our life is equally important.  There are people who love us and those are the ones who matter...they are the ones who will be standing next to you through it all, unafraid of stepping down should times get rough.

Ok...I'm approaching the Oprah-esque border now...

Until later :)  ....possibly after school at some point.