Valley Fest was this weekend, so I've been on the run since 3pm on Friday eeeeek
Friday was the inauguration of President Lewis Thayne and the committee was invited. I only saw 6 of us.....but it was a lovely ceremony.
Until the
Tyler Hilton performed with opening act Dion Roy that night. Sara and I hung out with Dion and Peter for most of Tyler's concert [and watched everyone's things in case they needed/wanted to leave the room].

Saturday. 5:45am. Wake up.
6:30am. On the move....what a crazy morning! So windy and chilly! But we made it with minimal troubles and only a few temper flares.

Sara and I are co-chairmen of children's activities so we had to make sure everything went smoothly....I'd say it went pretty well :)

En route to Saturday night. Sammy Adams!

We had two students groups open for him: Milo and Jesse Barki's band. Pretty sweet.

It was a fun night, albeit exhausting and started off crazy...a few issues with crowd control, but eventually we were done and could leave and rest our tootsies! least, that's what I did until going to the dance with some friends.

Yesterday, I definitely felt it all....ankle is still swollen from Dutchmen Day and I managed to bruise my hip and I'm not sure how...
It wouldn't be a typical day without me running into something haha
Laundry must attend to this. It's going to be a beautiful day today!
*fingers crossed* there's no rain....
"Single doesn't mean I'm looking for somebody."
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