Wednesday, April 24, 2013


My productivity seems to be at almost optimal level! I've been able to get so much schoolwork accomplished [thank goodness]. It should simmer down a little after Thursday.....Thursday everything seems to be due. That magical date. Professors must be catching on Thursday is the best day of the week.

Unfortunately, that means I've been neglectful of posting this week's post except for the catch-up of Valley Fest. Phew it's was a great weekend, but glad it's over in some regards. Recovering still haha until next year! :)

This is from a local diner: Tatiana's. They offer Japanese, Ukranian, American, Italian...and I feel as though I'm missing something else...

This is their veal parmesan sandwich. Mmmm

Chocolate peanut butter cake mmmm

Couldn't resist a fun hi-lo for the warm temps on Tuesday

On Wednesday I was officially inducted into Phi Sigma Iota, the national foreign language honor society. LVC pride! Go Dutchmen!

....yes, I'm wearing shoes.

As a promotion of Valley Fest, staff wore their student shirts on Friday. I wanted to dress it up a little bit so skirt and pearls it was!

Cheesy VF pic but it shows my white buttonup paired with my staff shirt. It was a bit brisk outside on Saturday with the wind.

Sister date on Sunday! We went to the Farmer's Wife restaurant and split dessert. Oreo cake mmmmm

Aaaaand today. What is today? Wednesday? Holy's almost THURSDAY again :D

Yes, I seem to wear this shirt frequently, but it has been freshly laundered!

Perhaps the ladies can attest to this more...but ever feel as though you have nothing to wear or you gravitate towards specific pieces over and over and over again, despite having a full closet???

Welcome to my world haha

Today I was in one photoshoot for study abroad and I'll be partaking in another for international relations, both for our alumni book. I tried to channel Kate Moss to represent London, but that's difficult when I have a good 20lbs on her and she has twiggy legs. Buuuut I did incorporate R,W&B. Good enough.

Just need to finish my German essay!

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