Friday, October 28, 2016

Days Gone By: An Autumnal Hymn

Another month gone by in the blink of an eye as day after day blurred their lines between work, school, and {some} play. Wishing I had more eloquent words for such the beautiful {and my favorite} month.

Thankfully, I was able to see friends, hang out with kitties, destroy my hair try out a new hair color....or a few....amid the chaos of trying to pack up my life to move in with my favorite person by the end of the month: my sissy.

My iPhone 6 is holding up for the most part, so at least I can provide a highlight of October's song in pictures...

A night on the town with beautiful friends: much needed.

As much as I was digging the lighter locks, my hair was beyond brittle and threatening to snap off {and some even pulled off as I attempted to comb it}. 

A purple-y hue: much better.

When in doubt, get your thigh-highs out. Oxford paired with high-waisted shorts and my trusty thigh-highs for a night of people-watching at the bar.

Mr. Theo was thrilled for one of our last family portraits before he went back to my Gramps.

A breather in between hauling my mirror: new selfie.

A housewarming gift to brighten up the new place :)  ...soon eaten and massacred by Loki. 

Loki, settling into our new home. My handsome guy took the move quite well; as more and more things left the old apartment, he had more space to roam around with Theo.

Early birthday gift from sissy, which came in handy for enjoying an ice-cold beer from Hoegaarden. We'll be making use of these!

Birthday adventures soon to come {with more bravado and imaginative narrative}. While I truly am loving school, it does keep me busy and leaves less time for the extracurricular hobbies and sleep.


Saturday, October 1, 2016

March On.

The end of September meant it was time for alumni band! My Mum has taken over organizing alumni band at CHS since my senior year - 2011 {goodness, I'm getting old!}. It's crazy to think that I've been out for 5 1/2 years now, seeing the group of alumni grow every year.

Despite the rain, another good turnout for my mummy. No matter how much time has passed, the chance to go back to the field is one of nostalgia and typically welcomed.

Class of '54, my Gramps still holds a special place for his Alma Mater in his heart. Here's where it all began.... well, not geographically, but in spirit.

Muscle memory is an incredible phenomenon... no, I did not attempt the 1-turn, but managed to do a thumb-toss and the rest of the routine while keeping in tempo. That's something, right?

Mama caught the booty pop on the field. When in doubt, make weird faces - my life motto it seems.

Overall, an extreme success, I'd say. A large turnout and so much support! I love seeing the love for alumni year after year! Such a great tradition!

Once a Bison, always a Bison.
