Monday, August 31, 2015

Carbs + starch on a very fine day

My diet is becoming more and more dependent upon these two food categories...

A nice recovery day of catching up on life included some delicious rice with vegetables + soy sauce.

I seem to struggle with cooking rice for some reason - it's either too runny or not quite soft enough. One of these days....

Simple dish + excuse to use my new chopsticks. I consider that a good start to the day.

These quiet {albeit productive} days are much needed for my sanity...time away from work and to ignore my work phone for a precious hour or two in order to truly clear my head and submerge myself in that state of peace and calm.

I've been cooking again and it feels so truly wonderful {especially in my happy belly}. I love for somebody feels extra special, but it's just as fun, as I'm learning, to cook for myself, too.

Treat yo'self.

Pinterest is a vital source of witty euphemisms, funny cat pictures, delicious recipes, wondrous adventure ideas, and beautiful ink designs.

Tyler Khott Gregson makes a frequent appearance on my feed, as well as the quotes search section.

Beautiful words, beautiful words indeed.

I'm quite smitten with Hemingway, and with this quote.

People often do seem more interesting after I've had a beer {or 4}. Don't worry, no driving involved after 1 and not until I've sat around on me arse for a solid 2 hours. {Don't worry, Mummy}

A drink or two helped with my anxiety when I'd go out with friends and see people with whom I rarely spoke and who became as loving as can be when they've had a drink or two.

Please don't think me an alcoholic - I simply love good beer aka not Corona {Mexican piss} or Bud/Miller Light {American garbage}. A nice rum&Coke is always delightful if it's mixed strong and not over $5, but I digress...

A beautiful night awaits as we head into September {how the hell is it September already??}.


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