Saturday, December 5, 2015

Winter Blues

As days and daylight shorten with the ever-approaching winter weather, it's perfectly understandable to feel a twinge of sadness....daylight becomes more precious as there seem to be fewer and fewer hours of this wondrous phenomenon, fewer so with sleeping in to work my later shift, returning during the chilly hours of midnight and 1AM.

To all of you GoT fans, I'm sure you can appreciate the notion of "Winter is Coming." Yes, sadly, winter is coming, and all too quickly. However, with winter comes the magic clandestine moments of the first snowflakes and the snuggles which are sure to follow on days on during chilly weather. Flannel sheets + hot chocolate {with or without vanilla rum} make for a lovely combination for chilly weather.

A special treat was needed the other day, a 'licious Not Your Father's Root Beer float! A quick stop to Babbo's Italian Grille was in order for a panini and float. 

Fun fact: "panini" is actually the Italian plural form of the English word "sandwich." I'm okay with this as I quite love sandwiches {but won't make them for males out of pure principle}.

I say it's flannel season....but as you've probably noticed, I consider every season as flannel season. Equally ultra cozy on warm or cold days. Dark jeggings are good for anytime, no?

Grumpy gills per usual when waking up. Okay, it was also a close-up of this fabulous Star Wars lippy, of which I cannot get enough!

Long hours and long days....not getting adequate sleep....all lead to a grumpy gills me, but it's worth it when the hard work pays off {career-wise and literally since those loans won't pay for themselves!}.

Bundling up isn't all that motivating to get me out of the apartment, can be such a hassle! As much as I love this cashmere scarf, which was a Xmas prezzie many, many moons ago, I wish it wasn't needed as much as it is aka warmer weather, please! My buns are chilly.

I'm ready for a nice long snooze after I treat myself to a brisk walk outside...

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