Sunday, May 8, 2016

Extensions of the Skin

Our clothing choices can often paint a surface-deep {or further} picture of our personality, our lifestyle, our feelings, etc. The articles of clothing we place upon our bodies is very much an extension of the skin in a sort, a visual projector onto the world. This even applies to uniforms, no matter how we may enjoy or loathe them - it connects us to our schoolmates, coworkers, fellow businessmen {or -women}, brothers {or sisters} in arms, etc.

A bold cat eye seems to become my special little uniform for days I wish to be productive. Paired with a bold lippy, and my little transformation from a blah day to a fabulous, accomplished day is complete.

When you feel like yourself, motivation goes up!

If we are only granted a finite number of days on this earth, why not feel comfortable in the clothes we place upon our backs? Take advantage of the circumstances which allow free dress - or check out a nude beach or nudest community if you'd rather not wear anything at all.

Love the skin you're in, but also the materials you put your skin in.


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