Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Kitten mittens

As likely assumed, I care quite deeply for my sweet, sweet kitten. Amid all of the chaos and business and attempts at holding it together while trying to balance school, a full-time job, and a semi-part-time job, Loki dear always seemed to know just when I needed some extra snuggles while I was home. Whether that was from his own selfish kitty needs, or an animalistic predisposition of reading frantic vibes, I will never know, but I prefer to think it is because he just knows when someone is in need of lovin'.

I promise I'm not trying to convert anyone to being a designated "cat person," albeit this term is still rather harsh....why can't we just be "animal people," as a collective? Yes, indeed-iddly do I love kitty cats, but I'm quite enamored by puppies, rabbits, tortoises, ferrets, squirrels, rats, bearded dragons, geckos..a plethora of other animals. {except centipedes. NOPE NOPE. They can rot in the fiery pits of pest hell}

However, how can one negate how darn cute this snuggle muffin is? He makes it quite difficult to leave, especially as I'm already running short on sleep every night, much to my dismay because he's the best snuggler and I've always been a fan of sleep. {ask my mum - she has pictures of me sleeping in weird places because I would just get tired and call it a day....under the dining room table, under my bed, on the steps, in a laundry basket....}

Love bug has been patient with me as I frantically try to finish homework and projects with the end of my term winding down. He's been the best snuggle partner, the best type of distraction and comforter while I darn-near tore my hair out trying to make sense of these financial equations and formulas...sweet little guy embodies the simple things in life and keeps me grounded.

Saturday nights: while many are out partying, enjoying the festivities of the weekend, most nights I'm snuggled up with Loki, taking silly pictures with him, cheek to cheek. He's becoming accustomed to my antics and his model-status as a class-act model on my Instagram.

Loki and I tried using the Candid Catmera so I could have some cute pictures while I was at work, half-bored, half-crazed out of my mind with the exorbitant amount of year-end projects, but Loki Loke had other ideas. Apparently watching me yank clothes out of my closet in a rushed effort to get ready for work was more appealing than cooperating with the app for some cute pictures.

Waking up with this ball of snuggles has been the real treat of the better part of the year, getting to know his nuances and knowing we'll have one another's backs. Nearly 7 months since I brought my love bug home and my, my, my, what an interesting 7 months it has been.

Squishy face selfies to Mummy and friends are a must. Mummy wuvs her grandfurbaby as he's currently her only grandcreature. Maybe one day there will be little human babies floating around {my nieces & nephews, not my own devil's spawn} with Loki jumping all about amongst the wildlings, but for now, spoiled baby remains the only one between my sissy and I.


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