Wednesday, April 24, 2013


My productivity seems to be at almost optimal level! I've been able to get so much schoolwork accomplished [thank goodness]. It should simmer down a little after Thursday.....Thursday everything seems to be due. That magical date. Professors must be catching on Thursday is the best day of the week.

Unfortunately, that means I've been neglectful of posting this week's post except for the catch-up of Valley Fest. Phew it's was a great weekend, but glad it's over in some regards. Recovering still haha until next year! :)

This is from a local diner: Tatiana's. They offer Japanese, Ukranian, American, Italian...and I feel as though I'm missing something else...

This is their veal parmesan sandwich. Mmmm

Chocolate peanut butter cake mmmm

Couldn't resist a fun hi-lo for the warm temps on Tuesday

On Wednesday I was officially inducted into Phi Sigma Iota, the national foreign language honor society. LVC pride! Go Dutchmen!

....yes, I'm wearing shoes.

As a promotion of Valley Fest, staff wore their student shirts on Friday. I wanted to dress it up a little bit so skirt and pearls it was!

Cheesy VF pic but it shows my white buttonup paired with my staff shirt. It was a bit brisk outside on Saturday with the wind.

Sister date on Sunday! We went to the Farmer's Wife restaurant and split dessert. Oreo cake mmmmm

Aaaaand today. What is today? Wednesday? Holy's almost THURSDAY again :D

Yes, I seem to wear this shirt frequently, but it has been freshly laundered!

Perhaps the ladies can attest to this more...but ever feel as though you have nothing to wear or you gravitate towards specific pieces over and over and over again, despite having a full closet???

Welcome to my world haha

Today I was in one photoshoot for study abroad and I'll be partaking in another for international relations, both for our alumni book. I tried to channel Kate Moss to represent London, but that's difficult when I have a good 20lbs on her and she has twiggy legs. Buuuut I did incorporate R,W&B. Good enough.

Just need to finish my German essay!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Tyler Hilton and Sammy Adams

Valley Fest was this weekend, so I've been on the run since 3pm on Friday eeeeek

Friday was the inauguration of President Lewis Thayne and the committee was invited. I only saw 6 of us.....but it was a lovely ceremony.
Until the rain monsoon. It isn't Valley Fest until there's rain!

Tyler Hilton performed with opening act Dion Roy that night. Sara and I hung out with Dion and Peter for most of Tyler's concert [and watched everyone's things in case they needed/wanted to leave the room].

Saturday. 5:45am. Wake up.
6:30am. On the move....what a crazy morning! So windy and chilly! But we made it with minimal troubles and only a few temper flares.

Sara and I are co-chairmen of children's activities so we had to make sure everything went smoothly....I'd say it went pretty well :)

En route to Saturday night. Sammy Adams!

We had two students groups open for him: Milo and Jesse Barki's band. Pretty sweet.

It was a fun night, albeit exhausting and started off crazy...a few issues with crowd control, but eventually we were done and could leave and rest our tootsies! least, that's what I did until going to the dance with some friends.

Yesterday, I definitely felt it all....ankle is still swollen from Dutchmen Day and I managed to bruise my hip and I'm not sure how...

It wouldn't be a typical day without me running into something haha
Laundry must attend to this. It's going to be a beautiful day today! 

*fingers crossed* there's no rain....

"Single doesn't mean I'm looking for somebody."

Monday, April 15, 2013


Eeeeek getting down to the wire.

I have a countdown of important days:

4D, 18hrs until Valley Fest
4M, 25D, 9hrs until my flight to LONDON
6M, 13D, 12hrs until my 21 birthday, which will be spent in London
.....skipping Xmas. 
1Y, 8M, 1D, 5hrs [approximately, based upon finals schedule] until I graduate

Where has the time gone??

I have already turned in my intent to graduate form and this morning submitted my forms for London. Woot woot!

I'm 20 years young and ready for an adventure....hobbey hoe! I loved the Pendragon series when I was younger.

D.C. pics shall be up this Friday :)

We watched Hitch on the way there and I'll leave you with some wisdom:

"People who are guarded are afraid you can see right through them.  That's why they hide behind layers of secrecy, and humor."  

How true, non? 

French in 1.5 hrs and must present a little monologue about a friend.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Lovely Friday

It is raining today....absolutely pouring....I love this gloomy weather. There's a glimmer of the sun peeking out. Standing alone in the storm, reminded of how far I've come, the smell of the rain....perfectly lovely.

Until my shoes become soaked. Gross feeling.

Favorites of this week:

My lovely nephew, Ranger! He's such a sweet ferret and how I miss him so...I have a total soft spot for animals. I often have more confidence in them than I do for mankind.

Missing being Daddy's little girl...and wondering why I'm wearing so much pink.
Why? Why did no one stop me?

This is what happens when one combines nachos, friends, and SnapChat....I'm not normally a big nacho fan, but those C-Store nachos are absolutely DELISH.

Tuxedo nails

Monday's cutesy outfit

Yes, I wore a bow in my hair.

Ahhhhhhhhh man! Tuesday was Dutchmen Day! Annual tradition at LVC where classes are cancelled and we're woken up at 6:30 to run around and find where the shirt tables are, standing in our respective dorm/house line, vying for a shirt! And then it's fun fun fun! Inflatables, activities, and yes, I did homework.

Ouch....inflatable burn. It's not nearly as bad as last year. Last year I went hardcore in those inflatable races and was badly skinned up.

Yesterday I had a presentation on expanding Louis Vuitton market share in Chinese markets and had to dress business casual. I felt pretty fly in this outfit. I would have loved heels but I did not have ones that looked right....and I tripped on a flat surface wearing flat shoes and rolled my ankle so it's not in the best of shape for heels....

Enjoying the rain! ....and my, just look at that CANKLE! Poor little ankle still swollen and bruised. I wish Santa would send me that bubble for Xmas. I've been asking for one for a few years now....
This weekend is going to be fun :) tonight's agenda: homework. Tomorrow: Washington, D.C. and the spy museum!! Sunday: homework....
Bugger. Enjoy your weekend! Don't trip on flat surfaces! ...or at least have someone to catch you. At this rate, I'm surprised I don't have a personal catcher...

Friday, April 5, 2013

Feel Good Friday

The sun is shining and it's actually warm today!! About dang time. I think Mother Nature was making a statement that she doesn't listen to a groundhog. And for the record, I do not like groundhogs...and that was before all of this. We once had a groundhog terrorize the neighborhood and he was not nice.

This week has been busy like whoa...but hey, I'm enjoying [for the most part and with some grumbling] what I'm doing...I like these subjects and doing well makes me happier than dark chocolate [and that, my friends is saying something]. I have to rely on the enjoyment of being a nerd since I ate all of my dark chocolate :(


Add this to your nerd files.

This was a short week....this was Wednesday's no pants day attire. Yesterday was a bit of a bum day. I dressed it up with red lips, but no denying I was being lazy.

My animal crackers were fused together to one MONSTER cracker!

All too's ridiculous the amount of gossip that travels even in college.
We are adults, people -_- 

I came across a wonderful quote..."be fearless when it comes to life and careless when it comes to what other people think and say about you."

Self-doubt is poison enough and hard to overcome; shut out those who aren't that important and keep close those who bring you up and make you feel better about yourself and your outlook on life.

Today's dress-for-success attire. It was finally warm enough to go with bare legs without looking like a crazy person!!

Quick little braid on the side. Add a very small pouf on top for a little volume in my crown and pulled up curled hair for a chic pony.

Epitome of nerddom. It's quite satisfying, not going to lie....the top was for my French exam and the bottom was a German quiz. Quiiiiiite thrilled :)

Have a lovely spring-like weekend!

And remember: when in doubt, add a belt. That was my motto this week.