Thursday, September 22, 2016

Job Hunting for the Work Fanatics

September has proven another busy month with the continuation of my MBA degree in term II. Managerial Accounting and Business Analytics are not as terrifying and intimidating as I had first thought, especially after taking the prerequisite module for Business Analytics {I barely passed, which is embarrassing to say}.

Working full-time plus part-time while studying and actively seeking new employment is mentally draining, but you have to be willing to put in the time and effort in order to reap the rewards. Stagnation is not an option for career development and goal-seekers.

Crazy times have meant time for a new 'do to change things up just a tad.

Through my experience in the interviewing and hiring process at work, as well as personal experience with current job-hunting and browsing for tips become evident how crucial one's résumé is for simply getting through the door - it's often the first presentation of who you are and what you can do.

And don't forget to ask questions back - the interview is just about seeing if you are a good fit for that particular employee as you are as a potential employee for that company.
Or, you could be like this guy to stand out among the ranks. Everyone needs their own Key Strategic Differentiator {KSD}; it seems like a 4-year degree won't cut it anymore, and so, it's up to the individual to figure out how to shine {and continue to do so once they've been offered, and accepted, the position}.

It can be a bit daunting at times, no joke...

Amidst the chaos of finding my KSD, luckily I have the sweet chickadees at home to provide plenty of snuggles and stress relief. There have been scientific studies granting evidence to lower stress levels and elevated happiness for pet owners. Kittens are certainly gifted at sharing the love.


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