Sunday, June 3, 2012

Horror Weekend.

Lovely and i enjoyed two horror films this weekend: The Woman in Black and The Innkeepers. The Innkeepers was creepy in that the creepy lady popped up every so often and was just a weirdie. The Woman in Black was much the same, except Daniel Radcliffe's character repeatedly went after the woman and they all had a British accent. meh. Needless to say, i almost cut off Lovely's cirrculation and repeatedly asked him what was going to happen.

I have naked toes. It is a weird feeling....especially since for the longest time i refused to paint my toenails and now have gone months with them painted [taking old and repainting when appropriate, of course, not leaving the same polish on for months!]. Chopped my nails off for the week because they were damaged from work :(  dang it....buuuuuuuut on the bright side, 6 days until the beach!!!

Lovely is excited for the beach :D That a total sweetheart.

Glasses[punched the faux lenses out]: Claire's; cardi: Land's End; top: vintage [it was my Nana's! :) ]; jeggings: AE; new boots!!: Levi's

For some reason, i absolutely love this picture.

My camera was a bit slow on the didn't quite comprehend Lovely was trying to take a pic of me jumping. Silly Kodak...

The rain started falling....

.....and so we started running.

Made a shirt into a tank today [pics to follow, pwomise!] and it reads:
aux États-Unis ou en France, mon coeur bats pour toi.

 I think Lovely liked it. I plan on wearing it at the beach. I was in a DIY mood today, although i didn't actually make anything but the tank....Mummy was altering a skirt of mine for me and fixed the buttons on my top so they did not come open whilst wearing.

Tomorrow do the pending thunderstorms. Marvelous.

Great cuddling weather. My hippo will be thrilled.

Hopefully, this does not put a stop to my run....running on the treadmill just isn't as much fun.

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