Sunday, July 26, 2015

He called me beautiful

The first time I heard those words uttered from his lips, I felt this odd sensation, this slightly elated, yet just as equally apprehensive, feeling. Those years of being consistently at odds with myself having left their mark and yet, another human being besides my Mum {sorry, Mummy} saw something in me that I have rarely noticed....

We all have beautiful souls despite our various backgrounds....okay, I lied, some people are rotten to the core some people do and have done atrocious things, yet I don't believe we're inherently evil. I like to think so anyways. Maybe. Maybe I'm only a half-believer...

Anywho....who I see in the mirror {when I actually take the time to look at myself, and not nitpick at my face or smooth my hair} is someone with multiple facets - our pasts, present, future all forge who we are, as well as those with whom we surround ourselves.

In looking through pictures of this weekend, I see a little bit of that person he may see....when I'm with one of my favorite people, it certainly shows :)

My big sis and I went to see Annie after a long day at Hershey Park the day before....oh, happy days indeed!

Front row - can't complain ;)

Turkey, avocado, + roasted red peppers

A nice walk downtown took us to the new crêperie, Au Bon Lieu. 

PB + chocolate = a little slice of heaven
Maybe that boy was right....maybe there is something beautiful about me, the way the light catches at just the right angle.

Could he be the crux to my journey of self-love? Who eyebrows look pretty fierce at least.

Cat sitting these two monsters certainly makes me feel loved indeed....cuddly kitties have a way of making one feel wanted and appreciated.

Cats can be quite fickle creatures. If you win their hearts, you're pretty golden, mates, especially if they allow you to pet the most sacred of sacred cat petting spots: their bellies!

We're all on our own path of growth and potential self-improvement. It won't be all rainbows and fully groomed brows, but it makes life an adventure.

Happiness is what we make of it...we can choose to be content in our misery, or we can fight tooth and nail to claw our way out of the darkness. The black hole is not a fun place so I'm choosing not to sink back and allow it to swallow me whole.

Y'all are beautiful creatures and we're destined for greatness.

And I drink to that.

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