Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Bibliophile in her natural habitat

Lost among the stacks, drawn into my own bubble and traipsing about the not-so-dusty tombs, replacing their brethren onto the shelves: how I enjoy spending my brief shifts at the library... My mild case of OCD quite enjoys the satisfaction of rearranging books out of order into their proper sequence so others may easier find the next world in which to divulge.

It was here I found solace this morning, as well as when I found a few "new" treasures hidden among the corpses of trees. {That's essentially what books are, aren't they?}

Still on my Middle Eastern conflict with concentration on first-hand US military accounts kick, with a touch of Einstein, Tolkien, and worldly adventure...of sorts.

I can hardly fathom the numbers, repeating them to myself as a reminder that I can tackle anything thrown at me: 28+ hours worked at my full-time job between Saturday and Sunday. As the millennials would say, that shit cray.

As much as I enjoy doing what I'm doing, taking names, and running amok with all the craziness of a typical work shift, it's rather enjoyable to kick back {metaphorically} and escape among the shelves and slip into the fictitious and also informative world of books and all they offer.

For a bibliophile, working in a library setting, even if it's only on an on-demand basis, is a special nirvana...providing there are minimal instances with crazed patrons, shouting at you for no reason.

This knowledge-hungry bibliophile can't wait for the next opportunity to snuggle in bed and get started on this exciting stack!

Have you read any mind-opening/gut-clenching/aw(e)-inducing books lately?

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