Friday, November 9, 2012

Friend Favorites

Trying to rhyme everything with 'F' to be consistent with 'Friday Favorites' is quite is typing one-handed with a curling iron held in your hair with the other hand, but that's typical behavior for me.

  • Wally world runs with Mom [Kiley, because she was pushing the cart] and Dad [Sam, because he was selected by default since he was the only male] and Jess and Haivy
  • Roomie dates
  • Roomie date tonight: hitting up VS, eating at the Lebanon Farmers' Market, and hitting up the mall to waste some time before Taken 2 started
  • Friends who will say 'no' to that weird pouffy shirt that just doesn't hang right....and back up decision to buy great shoes
  • Snapchat with the goofs you love so much and call your friends
College is about academics, no doubt about that, but one needs that supprt system of friends, people with whom one can laugh and relax from the hustle and bustle of 8am's and exams.

I'm catching on to this French braiding thing...

Sorry for lack of pictures. I'll make up later with pics from this weekend! Much to do, much to do 'bout nothing.

Trying to finish up my revoir!

Yes, I know. Who curls their hair at this hour? When boredom and restlessness set in before bed, this is the result, I guess.

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