Music - one of the many joys of life, whether it be in the form of opera, country, rap, or even those sad songs, the latter to which I often tend to gravitate simply for the sake that i enjoy those crooning, near-tearful melodies.
I'm a weirdo, right?!
On happiness, in conjunction with life and its many expectations aka job, marriage, babies, bills, education, learning {both joined and separate from education}....happiness should be one for which we strive at least some of the time.
Contentedness often seems more obtainable, but those precious moments of pure, unadulterated As Albus Dumbledore {aka J.K. Rowling} said, "happiness can be found even in the darkest of places, if only it remembers to turn on the light."
As I've struggled with that balance of doing what is expected of me and what makes me happy, I've realized how true this sounds -- yet another example of how profound Harry Potter truly is, but that can be saved for another time.
For now, I'm enjoying another omelette creation with salsa and hot sauce {the hotter, the better!} and importing some lovely new tunes and old favs to my iTunes whilst I prepare myself for another 11hr shift of day 13 out of the 19 day work streak I have going on. Yesterday was 14hrs between two jobs, so I can do this!
For the past few nights, relieve has come in the form of ditching the boulder holder in lieu of a comfy tee repping my friends in Paradrei.
For real, check them out.
Finished Devil's Star with some artichoke dip {still puzzled as to why there was no spinach in it....}. Onto Liza Palmer's "seeing me naked."
Business as usual....the Star Wars belt is always a nice touch.
Celebrating National Donut Day with this artery-clogging beauty because I'm worth it.
As a follow-up to the previous post about my recent disgusting "dieting," I've cleaned up my act, significantly reducing sugar intake to what it was before, as well as given up meat until further notice. I am, however, still consuming energy drinks at an alarming rate.....but have moved onto increasing water intake.
Increased water intake is significant for me in any amount....going from about 1oz. {no exaggeration here} to about 20oz. My bladder is not amused, but it'll mean more walking because of more bathroom trips. sneaky exercise
This {faux} leather dress is one of my all-time favorites! Again, Star Wars belt for shits and giggles, thrown together with my every-comfy leopard booties. I've become aware that most of my shoes are heels and thus would prove rather difficult, even for a heel professional as myself, for everyday work wear.
Hospitals are not small buildings....
This morning's current projects: uploading new {to me} mooooosik with some old favs. Some insight into my tastes. I enjoy sharing as much as I like to hear of others' preferences.
The gang's all here |
- Breaking Benjamin
- Ed Sheeran
- The Fault in Our Stars soundtrack
- The Head and the Heart
- Kodaline
- Linkin Park
- Punk Goes Classic Rock {tingles thinking about this}
- The Ready Set
- Regina Spektor's new album
- Sam Smith
- Skylar Grey
- Three Days Grace
- Walk the Moon
- We the Kings <3
Yes, my OCD caused me to place these in alphabetical order. No shame. I just like being organized, which definitely helps for working in a library.
Hobey ho, let's go ^_^