Sunday, January 29, 2012


Hello, Everyone. This is Kurtis...or Lovely, as Jill has referred to me. She asked me to do a guest post for her, and I was happy to oblige. :)

Keeping with the spirit of the blog, I think some geekiness is in order. I'm pursuing a degree in IST at Penn State. Just finished creating a Java program assignment for my Computer Language class, actually. Not quite sure why, but I love writing code. Having hundreds of lines of processes and algorithms create a working program, a program that you created, is nothing short of an awesome feeling. :) It's become a passion of mine since starting college...among other things. Which brings me to fashion. :D

I think I've been pictured in this baseball henley before, elsewhere on the blog, but it's one of my favorites :) Clearance rack at Hot Topic. Jill is quite the photographer. I rarely see pictures of myself that I like. This one I do.

 Fashion was never really a big deal to me. In fact, up until about two or three years ago, I would consider myself a bit 'lost'. Just a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. Then I met Jill.
She really helped me break out of my shell. Tight jeans, cardis, Chuck Taylors, v-necks, blazers and even suspenders. :D I wasn't the most outgoing, so never really had the confidence to wear any of these things. Jill helped me reach my full fashionisto potential with some encouragement.

This new found interest came with a Dark Side, though...I've become quite the shopaholic. Not the unhealthy kind...just the borderline addiction kind. I'm not sure if that makes Jill Obi-Wan or Chancellor Palpatine in terms of guidance....

I hope to be back someday, but for now I'll leave you all with a stunning picture of a good friend of mine...

Teddy :) He loves the camera...but at that moment he was a little annoyed with my pestering for a pose. You can't see it in the picture, but he's whipping his tail back and forth in an angry manner. He's rocking the Siamese-Calico mix coat with a 'what the heck' expression to tie it all together.

...and some parting words:
Obviously I'm a Star Wars fan...sooo May the force be with you!

Or if you're one of those people: Live long and prosper. Pffft

Bye for now!

Off on my never-ending quest to find a decent, casual button-up vest!

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